
International Collaboration and Innovation: Partnerships Shaping the Global Future

The key to addressing global challenges is strong collaboration between innovation and diplomacy. Innovations in international relations, technology and sustainability highlight the critical role that cross-border collaboration plays. In this panel, prominent diplomatic representatives will discuss the innovation strategies of the countries and organizations they represent and how these strategies are supported through diplomacy.

This panel will delve into global partnerships emerging at the intersection of innovation and diplomacy, as well as new approaches to sustainable development goals. It will also share examples of how collaborations between different countries have achieved global success in areas such as technology, green energy and digital transformation.

In this panel, participants will have the opportunity to discover not only stories of international cooperation, but also how innovation acts as a catalyst in diplomatic processes and how it will play a transformative role in the global business models of the future.

Out of the World: Innovation Beyond Boundaries

Under the "Out of the Box" theme, we will explore how the boundless potential of space and the limitless nature of innovation intersect. Panelists will share how they have made a difference in the space industry with innovative thinking and creative solutions. An inspiring discussion on new opportunities and business models beyond Earth awaits you.

The limitless and unexplored depths of space have always fueled humanity's greatest dreams and curiosities. This panel, organized under the "Out of the Box" theme, emphasizes the importance of expanding our way of thinking and understanding of innovation by transcending traditional boundaries. We will explore how groundbreaking innovations can be achieved by embracing the unique opportunities space offers.

New Horizons in E-Export: Innovative Methods and Business Models

In this special panel, where pioneers of digital trade come together, the latest trends, innovative methods, and new generation business models that shed light on the future of e-export will be comprehensively discussed. E-export, which has the potential to make a strategic contribution to Turkey's export ecosystem, is gaining great momentum, especially with the facilitation of processes for micro-exporters and the opportunities to access global markets through digital platforms. This session will share critical strategies not only for large-scale companies but also for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to gain a competitive advantage in world markets.

Discover the secrets of success in e-export, learn the strategic ways to access global markets, and gain unique insights into the dynamics of digital transformation in this session, which will feature leading figures from the industry. This panel offers a valuable opportunity to understand how your business can gain a competitive edge in the digital world and accelerate growth with innovative solutions.

Pushing the Limits of Innovation with Digital Intelligence

We are coming together to explore the methods that will maximize the potential of innovation with the advanced technological capabilities offered by artificial intelligence. This panel will present an in-depth analysis of the new generation projects emerging at the intersection of artificial intelligence and innovation, the impact of technological transformation on workforce dynamics, and the contributions of this integration to sustainable development.

Industry leaders and technology experts will discuss the role of artificial intelligence in innovative processes and explore ways to create a competitive advantage on a global scale. We will be pleased to have you with us to understand and contribute to this unique technological evolution that will shape the world of the future.

Turkish-Style Innovation: Global Competition with Local Dynamics

In this panel, we will address the need to develop a unique innovation model by examining the differences between the motivation channels and business methods of Turkish people compared to those in the rest of the world. Which is more effective: local strategies to maximize Turkey's innovation potential or integration with global methods? The advantages and challenges of local perspectives will be compared with globally accepted innovation methods, and in-depth analyses and discussions will be conducted on how Turkey can become more competitive in the global innovation arena.

Academics, business leaders, and innovation experts will discuss Turkey's unique characteristics and how these can be integrated into innovation processes. Through these discussions, we will explore ways to develop a strong innovation ecosystem that spans from local to global by pushing the boundaries of Turkish-style innovation.

NQ: The Social Superpower for Your Career - Network Intelligence

In the modern business world, the ability to connect and manage relationships is one of the key elements of career success. In this panel, you will discover the vital importance of "NQ," or Network Intelligence, in career development and how to maximize this skill. Recognized leaders and experts in their fields are coming together to discuss ways to master professional relationships, effective networking strategies, and how these strategies can become a social superpower in your career.

Throughout the panel, you will learn the key components of Network Intelligence and practical ways to develop this skill. In addition to building strong and effective business networks, the nuances of managing these networks sustainably will be emphasized. Furthermore, you will explore the new dynamics of networking in the digital age, ways to establish successful connections in both online and offline worlds, and tips on how to make the most of your social capital.

Starting Over: Stability, Resilience and Innovation

In this panel, we will explore the courage to start over after failure and how the resilience shown in this process can lead to innovation. Failures not only correct mistakes but also encourage innovative thinking and provide an opportunity to develop new approaches. The challenges encountered in this process are a cornerstone for personal and professional growth. The discipline and consistency demonstrated to ensure the continuity of innovation are indispensable elements on the road to success.

In this panel, we will discuss how failures can serve as a driving force in innovation processes, the contributions of resilience and determination to long-term success, and how to overcome the obstacles encountered on this challenging journey. In this session, filled with real-world examples and inspiring stories, industry leaders and entrepreneurs will share their own failure stories, explaining how these challenging moments were transformed into powerful learning opportunities.

Branding Innovation: Strategic Lessons from Leading Brands

In today's business world, innovation is not only limited to developing new products but also stands out as the most powerful driving force of branding. In this panel, leading and rising brands in the market will share how they use innovation as a strategic tool to make a difference in their industries and strengthen their brands. They will detail how they have integrated innovation processes into their brand's DNA and how they have shaped their product development and marketing strategies. In this panel, you will witness both global and local success stories and derive valuable lessons on the strategic decisions they made and the contributions of these processes to brand value.

These brands, whether on their way to becoming market leaders or already established, will explain with real examples how they have gained a competitive edge by properly utilizing the power of innovation and achieved sustainable success in the long term. This session offers a unique opportunity to understand the critical role of innovation in the branding process and learn how to adapt these processes to your own brand.

The Power of Innovation in Creative Industries: Opportunities for Value Creation

Creative industries are among the most dynamic and transformative forces in modern economies. Sectors such as art, culture, gaming, film, music, advertising, and media not only offer aesthetic and cultural richness but also have the potential to create high added value under the guidance of innovation. In this panel, the innovative business models and strategies born at the intersection of creativity and technology, the globally successful projects, and Turkey's rising role in these fields will be examined in-depth.

The panel offers participants the opportunity to understand not only the sectoral success stories but also the intellectual and creative processes behind these successes. We are coming together in this panel to discuss how innovation acts as a catalyst in the evolution of the creative economy and how it will play a critical role in the business models of the future.

From Agriculture to Food, From Food to Medicine: High Value Added Production

A paradigm shift is taking place in food production. Amid rising food prices and global crises, the opportunities offered by innovation and the circular economy in the agriculture and livestock sectors have never been more important. In this panel, we will discuss how to manage this transformation in the agriculture and livestock sectors and how innovation can offer a solution in these areas.

We will examine the potential for added value that can be created in Turkey's agriculture and livestock sectors through new generation technologies and innovation. The panel will offer participants an in-depth look at how bold steps can be taken in this field and how innovative business models can revolutionize food production. We invite you to take your place in this transformation that is redefining the future of agriculture and livestock.

The Innovation Map of the Brain: The Forces Igniting Creativity

What brain processes underlie innovation? This panel invites you to deeply explore the neuroscientific map of creativity and innovative thinking. How do our brain structures trigger innovative thinking, and how can our mental preparation be optimized to develop different perspectives?

Neuroscience experts and business pioneers will discuss how creativity is processed and developed by the brain, how intelligence and creative thinking are evaluated in the selection of human capital. In this panel, you will discover the mental tools needed to maximize the brain's creative potential and sustainably increase innovation. This session is a must for those who want to understand the internal mechanisms of innovation and consciously direct this power.

A Power Alliance for Change: Social Innovation as the Key to Social Transformation

Social innovation is not only a transformative force for non-profit organizations but also for businesses and communities. In this panel, we will seek answers to questions such as how innovative approaches can be developed to solve the biggest challenges facing society and how these approaches impact sustainability and equity. Social entrepreneurs, academics, and civil society leaders will share how they can create social change through collaboration and innovation and how they overcome the challenges encountered in this process.

Stepping onto the World Stage: The Keys to Global Growth

As entrepreneurs seek ways to take their local success to a global scale, the challenges and opportunities they encounter will be discussed in this panel. Successful entrepreneurs and representatives of technology companies from TİM TEB Startup House will discuss the strategies they followed in their globalization processes, their export-oriented growth plans, and the ways they achieved a competitive advantage in international markets. This session will be inspiring for entrepreneurs looking to step onto the world stage.

Innovations that Rewrite the Future: The Codes of Tomorrow in Entrepreneurship

Writing the codes of tomorrow in entrepreneurship is not only limited to technological innovations; it is also supported by long-term sustainability strategies and responsible business models. In this panel, TİM TEB Startup House entrepreneurs and investors focused on sustainability will discuss innovative projects that produce solutions to the world's biggest problems and the investments made in these projects. This session is a must for gaining valuable insights into business models and investment strategies that support sustainable development.

The Billion-Dollar Journey: Secrets of Unicorn Startups

Are you ready to hear the stories of billion-dollar startups from the experts themselves? In this panel, entrepreneurs will share the growth journeys, challenges, and successes of startups that have reached billion-dollar valuations through the TURCORN 100 program. The panel offers an unmissable opportunity to learn how to create value on the path to becoming a Unicorn and discover the effective strategies in this process.